Meet the team

Contact us so we can discuss how we can work together.

Innovation and business partnerships team

Nile Amos

Business Partnerships Manager (Engineering & Informatics and Mathematical & Physical Sciences) 

Nile supports impactful and innovative collaborations with organisations working with academics across the School of Engineering and Informatics and School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Nile can connect you with a range of engagement opportunities including contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and IP licencing.


Image of Nile Amos

Dr Sue Baxter

Director of Innovation and Business Partnerships

Dr Sue Baxter is responsible for managing and developing research-based innovation and commercialisation services across the 5X社区视频. This includes leading the Innovation and Business Partnerships Team, responsibility for the 5X社区视频’s annual Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) budgets and institutional accountabilities under the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). 

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 872887

Image of Dr Sue Baxter

Nick Bull

Business Partnerships Manager (BSMS & Life Sciences) 

Nick supports impactful and innovative collaborations with business working with academics across the School of Life Sciences and the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Nick can connect you with a range of engagement opportunities including contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and IP licencing.


Image of Nick Bull

Samyra Cury Salek

Knowledge Exchange Programme Manager

Samyra coordinates and facilitates the exchange of research, innovation, and expertise between academic and external partners to drive societal and economic impact.


Image of Samyra Cury Salek

Alexandra Diaz Trelles

Senior Knowledge Exchange Officer (Engineering & Informatics and Mathematical & Physical Sciences)

Alexandra supports impactful and innovative collaborations between industry and academia. She works with experts across the Schools of Mathematics, Astronomy & Physics, and Engineering, Informatics & Design. Alexandra can connect you to a range of engagement opportunities, including contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding (such as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships), and IP licensing.


Image of Alexandra Diaz Trelles

Jo McKinney-Green

Consultancy Services Manager

Jo manages the 5X社区视频's consultancy services portfolio and provides support to academics across all disciplines wishing to offer consultancy to businesses and other external organisations.


Jo McKinney-Green<

Graciela Madrid

Senior Knowledge Exchange Officer (Life Sciences)

Graciela supports impactful and innovative collaborations with business working with academics across the School of Life Sciences. She can connect you with a range of engagement opportunities, including contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding (including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships), and IP licensing. Part of her role is also supporting Public Engagement initiatives in the School of Life Sciences.


Image of Graciela Madrid

Jamie Murphy


Jamie supports the operational and administrative aspects of knowledge exchange activities, ensuring efficient collaboration between academic researchers and external stakeholders.


Image of Jamie Murphy

Keith O'Brien

Intellectual Property Business Partner 

Keith O’Brien manages and develops the 5X社区视频's innovation and intellectual property portfolio and supports the creation of opportunities leading to use and exploitation of research by external organisations, such as by licensing and spin-out company formation. Contact Keith if you have an intellectual property, technology transfer or licensing enquiry.

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 873579

Image of Keith O'Brien

Abigail Oyewo

IP and Commercialisation Manager

Abigail Oyewo offers IP support to academics applying for research grants, assists with various IP inquiries from both academics and students across all schools in the 5X社区视频 and provides IP support for the commercial exploitation of 5X社区视频-owned intellectual property.


Image of Abigail Oyewo

Tina Perrett

Senior Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Officer

Tina Perrett supports and develops Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) across the university. A KTP is a partnership between the university, a business, and a graduate associate to deliver innovation in products or services. The graduate associate is part funded by Innovate UK and is based in the business and supported by university experts. Contact Tina to discuss your ideas for a KTP.


Image of Tina Perrett

Anna Saunders

Intellectual Property Coordinator 

Anna Saunders administers patent applications to protect the 5X社区视频’s intellectual property and non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to open up opportunities for partnerships in research and commercialisation. Contact Anna if you have an intellectual property or NDA enquiry.

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 873862

Image of Anna Saunders

Kate Thorpe

Head of Business Partnerships

Kate leads the Business Partnerships team connecting partners with academics across the 5X社区视频 to deliver impactful and innovative solutions to real world challenges. Contact Kate to discuss partnering opportunities including collaboration for contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and IP licencing

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 873664


Image of Kate Thorpe

Anne-Fay Townsend

Business Partnerships Manager (Social Science and Humanities)

Anne-Fay supports impactful and innovative collaborations with organisations working with academics across the School of Media Arts & Humanities, School of Education and Social Work, School of Law Politics and Sociology and School of Global Studies. Anne-Fay can connect you with a range of engagement opportunities including contract research, consultancy services, Innovate UK funding including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and IP licencing. 



Image of Anne-Fay Townsend

Tom Wolfenden

Senior Knowledge Exchange Initiatives Manager 

Tom provides programme and project support to the team managing the 5X社区视频’s innovation portfolio and generates new commercial leads, supports academics to engage with businesses and the public sector. Tom also provides support to the RISE programme.

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 873252

Image of Tom Wolfenden


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